Friday, 12 December 2008

The gnomes for the gift economy!

A group of gnomes will arrive at Pori to launch a campaign in favor of gift economy on Wednesday 17.12. ”The Worried Xmas Gnomes Manifest” will be handed to people on the streets. The campaign will continue in the 3H+K -gallery at 16 with a gift workshop and a discussion titled ”Gift Economy NOW!, and the concert Free Santa that begins at 20. The campaing is part of the Pori festivalweeks organised by the Nyte association. The event is free, and everybody is most welcome to participate!

Gift Workshop
We will work on the idea of a gift, and produce gifts where the thought matters most. You won’t have to rub off the pricetag from these immaterial gifts!

Gift Economy NOW!
What is a gift economy? Could it be a realistic possiblity in the future?
The ongoing economic crises has undermined the trust in the blessings of global capitalims preached by the high priests of capitalist economy. The system needs a change – where can we find alternatives? Could economy be built on the gift instead of exchange?
The discussion is started by a videoconnection by Andrius Kulikauskas, the founder of Mincius Sodas laboratory sitauted in Bosnia-Herzegovina and author of the book An Economy for Giving Everything Away. After that free discussion moderated by Hurðaskellir, from the International Movement of Xmas Gnomes.

Free Santa concert
Musical performances, gnostic gnoming and other such entertainment. Free Santa from the business and advertisement hounds!


Friday, 21 November 2008

Magic Lamp happening at Bepop mall

Two student teams from the Concept Design course Autumn 2008 participated in a Children's Culture happening 20.11. at Bepop mall in the center of Pori. One was a "Bearcafe", a cafe catering for children as their main customers. The other Molli Mustekala (Olivia Octopus), a collective artwork made of recycling material.

Concept design will be one of the basic courses for CBM students in future. Concepts can vary - we had proposals for art exhibitions, media productions, remembering tools for the ageing, artisan pillows for healing bumps and bruises. Most of the concepts are not just excercises, but real projects the students then go on to realize - as these two Magic Lamp concepts.

Fact and Fiction

Juha Seppälä's novel Paholaisen haarukka (Devil's Fork/ A Finlandia award nominee 2008) describes a character studying creative business management at Pori School of ARt and Media. Our first student is a fictive character! (Thanks Max and Visuaalisen Kulttuurin Maisteriohjelmablogi for picking this bit up!)

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Application to CBM begins 12.1.2009

Application to Taik begins from 12.1.2009. Taik guide for applicants will be published the same date, you can get it online from Taik webpage. Any questions concerning CBM program, studies and application please contact either
Nina Sjölund tel +358 2 627 2982
Taina Rajanti tel +358 44 0987193

Structure of studies

Here is a draft version of the structure of studies in the master program. Integrative studies have been planned in detail and should be pretty definite, likewise the overall structure of the studies and the thematic contents of the major studies.

Saturday, 6 September 2008


University of Art and Design Helsinki – School of Art and Media Pori

Master’s degree programme in Creative Business Management offers multidisciplinary expertise in managing creative processes and business in the creative economy. Creative economy is primarily a field of immaterial production, where general human abilities – communication, language, affections, relations – become the fundamental productive force. Our perspective is on the user becoming a decisive factor in production processess, and applying design methods to production processes themselves and not merely to product development. The studies focus on diverse issues of production, from concept design to media production and knowledge and brand management, and management of creative processes and research of immaterial production from a user-centered perspective. The programme is offered in collaboration with Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit which provides a multidisciplinary study environment for the students. The students will build contacts with the local industry and commerce and do project work in cooperation with companies from Satakunta region.

The program is aimed at students who have successfully completed their bachelor’s degree or a polytechnic degree in the field of cultural production, media, design or other applicable discipline or have by other means achieved similar qualifications. In addition, the applicants should prove their experience of creative work and/or leading creative teams or an enterprise in the creative field.

The core aim of the programme is to educate experts in human-centered design processes, who understand the logic of immaterial production and are familiar with commercial principles, and able to apply their knowledge in practice. The learning objectives of the programme are:

1. Graduates of the programme understand the features and functions of creative economy and creative industries. They are skilled in user-centered and innovative product and service design and are able to create sustainable enterprise.

2. Graduates are able to function in multicultural and -disciplinary teams and understand cultural differences between disciplines and professional fields. They are able to recognise the rich interfaces between sciences and fields and to facilitate constructive dialogue.

3. Graduates grasp the phases of creative design processes, understand the conditions of creative work and are able to facilitate the building of creative surroundings. They understand the role of creativity in organisations and their development.

4. The programme offers a value sensitive, participatory and active environment, which allows differences in opinions. This educates experts with good interaction skills, who can articulate their ideas in a clear fashion and offer constructive criticism. Their leadership skills are well developed and they are able to create and upkeep an open and appreciative working culture.

After graduating, the attendees can work in a variety of positions in the creative field, and also in traditional industry and service sector, and as researchers of creative economy in research institutions. Their work prospects are enhanced through their connections to companies built during projects and active interest and gathered expertise in specific tasks and positions.

The two-year, 120 credit degree programme in Creative Business Management leads to a master’s degree in arts (MA).

The structure of the degree programme consists of major subject studies (media production), multidisciplinary integrative studies and minor studies offered by other units at the University Consortium of Pori. Study methods include workshops, projects, practice work, intensive courses, lectures and personal guidance. Students are guided using a personal study plan, which helps them find their individual study paths and required professional competencies. The students also follow their progress through digital portfolio work.

The programme will be taught in Finnish and English..

The application deadline for the CBM degree programme is annually between January and February. A maximum of ten MA students are chosen to the programme through a two-phased admission process. In the first phase the applicants send in a completed application form with attached copies of degree certificates, a curriculum vitae, a letter of interest (A4) and a portfolio presenting their work. The portfolio must contain the documentation of participation in a media or cultural on other similar production. In the second phase the applicants are asked to write an essay on a related theme and present their portfolio in an interview.

In the portfolio and admission test the student should demonstrate talent, motivation and development potential in the field of visual culture, media, design or other applicable fields and critical and analytical thinking skills. The evaluation also takes in regard the work and study experience of the applicant and their view on creative work and its management.

A maximum of 10 students.