Tuesday, 1 September 2009

The first Creative Business Management MA-program in Pori has begun

We are proud to present and warmly welcome our new CBM-students at Pori School of Art and Media. Welcome also to the CBM-students from Turku School of Economics!

Pori School of Art and Media has now eight new students whose expertise ranges from graphic design to media productions, music enterprise and production, photography and brand design and management. We are in the middle of Kick-off weeks, getting to know each other, presenting portfolios and doing demos, doing personal study plans for each, having sauna and touring Creative Pori. Both students and teachers are eagerly looking forward to future lectures and projects.


"Welcome to Urban Space" pdf report

Welcome to urban space was an experimental research and artistic study-project in May 2009, during which students and teachers built a space within Pori Kauppahalli, and held there lectures, workshops and did research and artistic projects. The experiment was noted in media, and warmly welcomed by personnel and customers in the Kauppahalli. Annamari Salmi has written a report titled "Luova työ ja tila - Tervetuloa kaupunkitilaan" of the experiment, which can be downloaded as a pdf file from Pori School of Art and Media webpages.