Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Mustekala 39: Taide ja talous - Art and Economy

Unfortunately for non-Finnish speakers, only in Finnish, the foremost publication on and around art in Finland, the online journal Mustekala. The latest issue Taide ja Talous has several articles on the topic (Art and Economy). Check it out!

Introduction: "Voiko taidetta ja taloutta sekoittaa vai täytyykö ne pitää tiukasti erillään? Miten käy talouden taikinan kun se kasvaa rajatta? Entä miten käy kun taide lähtee ulos laitoksista ja sekaantuu arkielämän tilanteisiin? Näitä mustekala vatkaa ja leipoo tässä numerossa. Samalla mustekala esittelee ensimmäisenä Suomessa Birgit Jürgenssenin, itävaltalaisen feministitaiteilijan 1970-luvulta."

Monday, 30 August 2010

Traveling blog for the department

This is to announce the creation of a traveling blog for the department. Traveling department is meant for teachers, students, researchers, personnel, doctoral students to give short reports of their travels connected to work, study, conferences, courses, exhibitions etc.

Mail a few lines and preferably some photos to Taina: trajanti@gmail.com, and she will put your story on the blog.

The first story is there, telling about Annu's and Taina's journey to give papers at the 18th International Congress in Aesthetics in Beijing, and visit the Expo in Shanghai 7. - 19.8.2010.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Welcome new and old CBM students to academic year 2010-2011!

We are starting the second year of CBM master program, and kicking off with 14 new CBM students and 16 new VKM students. We have already been introduced to an astonishing range of talent and skills - and we'll hear more about each student when Thu 26th and Fri 27th people will be showing a sample of their portfolios in the afternoons in Ateljee.

Next week we'll also do a walk in Creative Pori Tue 31th, stream on the opening festivities of Aalto in Helsinki Wed 1th, see and hear about last year's projects on the department demoday Rajauksia 2.9. 13 onwards; and take a bus to visit School of Art and Design in Helsinki early in the morning of Friday 3th.