Thursday, 28 October 2010

Kick It Over Manifesto

Kick It Over

An international student movement to free the economics curriculum from its neoclassical straightjacket was launched last week at the University of California at Berkeley.

For its first action, students worldwide are being encouraged to post the following manifesto, preferably printed on brightly coloured paper, on the doors and bulletin boards of their univeristy’s economics department. See Tere Waden's Nuvatsia blog!

Kick It Over Manifesto
We, the undersigned, make this accusation: that you, the teachers of neoclassical economics and the students that you graduate, have perpetuated a gigantic fraud upon the world.

You claim to work in a pure science of formula and law, but yours is a social science, with all the fragility and uncertainty that this entails. We accuse you of pretending to be what you are not.

You hide in your offices, protected by your mathematical jargon, while in the real world, forests vanish, species perish and human lives are callously destroyed. We accuse you of gross negligence in the management of our planetary household.

You have known since its inception that one of your measures of economic progress, the Gross Domestic Product, is fundamentally flawed and incomplete, and yet you have allowed it to become a global standard, reported day in, day out in every form of media. We accuse you of recklessly projecting an illusion of progress.

You have done great harm, but your time is coming to a close. Your systems are crumbling, your flaws increasingly laid bare. An economic revolution has begun, as hopeful and determined as any in history. We will have our clash of economic paradigms, we will have our moment of truth, and out of each will come a new economics – open, holistic, human scale.

On campus after campus, we will chase you old goats out of power. Then, in the months and years that follow, we will begin the work of reprogramming your doomsday machine.

Available as a PDF file here

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Co-creation, co-governance and peer-to-peer production of public services

Seminar at Taik Helsinki Friday 22 of October 2010. 9 - 16.

Co-creation, co-governance and peer-to-peer production of public services SIG
The co-p2p special interest group initiative aims to increase stakeholders understanding of the processes, logic’s and incentives that can make possible co-creation, co-governance and peer-to-peer production of public services, as well as chart the limits and implications of these approaches (social,economic, political, technical and cultural dimensions). The members represent different expertise with in the Aalto University in order to provide a multidisciplinary and multifaceted view to these developments.

1) The need for a multidisciplinary perspective towards the challenges and opportunities that exist in designing and developing services for participatory modes of governance (including co-creation and peer-to-peer aspects).
2) The mapping of the constellation of new technologies and actors involved in citizen-sensitive public service creation and delivery, and their current and emerging roles.
3) Understanding and proposing new service ecosystem configurations (technological and social) and designs to address the challenges and circumstances identified.

More info on co-p2p webpages, including online registration for the seminar.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Michel Bauwens, link to an audio of the lecture

If you're interested, listen to the founder of P2P Foundation telling about how present economical model has some 20 years left to torture us before giving way to a way more productive form, "commons" - free and open cooperation, production out of interest, without thought of profit. Link here! Thanks to Totuusradio for providing this.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Tuntumaa exhibition

Tuntumaa is an art exhibition designed for all by Marika Leinonen-Vainio, 11.9. - 3.10 in Porin Puuvillan lankavärjäämö.

Wednesdays to Fridays 12 - 18
Saturdays and Sundays 11 - 16.

Be sure to visit!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Michael Bauwens in Tampere 21th of September

If anybody would happen to have the time to visit Tampere on Tuesday September 21th, you must not miss Michael Bauwen's lecture "The Commons and the P2P paradigm". The lecture will be held in lecture room A4 in the main building of Tampere University.

The Facebook invite includes a link to a talk by Michael Bauwens.

See also the group wikiworld - education and commons, "which is a project gathering together learning and research on the commons, especially in the context of education, knowledge creation and social being.

The Internet has introduced many people to the world of peer-to-peer practices, including free and open source software, the Wikipedia and other wikis, Open Access science, data and various forms of peer production. This implies a multitude of interesting questions: what is the commons and what are the forms of the peer-to-peer paradigm? What are the theoretical implications of these phenomena, and where can the peer-to-peer mode be applied? How can, for instance, learning and research be organized as p2p activities? How can the educational commons be enlarged? The EDC project organizes and brings together courses, seminars and research on these questions. There are several ways to get involved."

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Mustekala 39: Taide ja talous - Art and Economy

Unfortunately for non-Finnish speakers, only in Finnish, the foremost publication on and around art in Finland, the online journal Mustekala. The latest issue Taide ja Talous has several articles on the topic (Art and Economy). Check it out!

Introduction: "Voiko taidetta ja taloutta sekoittaa vai täytyykö ne pitää tiukasti erillään? Miten käy talouden taikinan kun se kasvaa rajatta? Entä miten käy kun taide lähtee ulos laitoksista ja sekaantuu arkielämän tilanteisiin? Näitä mustekala vatkaa ja leipoo tässä numerossa. Samalla mustekala esittelee ensimmäisenä Suomessa Birgit Jürgenssenin, itävaltalaisen feministitaiteilijan 1970-luvulta."

Monday, 30 August 2010

Traveling blog for the department

This is to announce the creation of a traveling blog for the department. Traveling department is meant for teachers, students, researchers, personnel, doctoral students to give short reports of their travels connected to work, study, conferences, courses, exhibitions etc.

Mail a few lines and preferably some photos to Taina:, and she will put your story on the blog.

The first story is there, telling about Annu's and Taina's journey to give papers at the 18th International Congress in Aesthetics in Beijing, and visit the Expo in Shanghai 7. - 19.8.2010.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Welcome new and old CBM students to academic year 2010-2011!

We are starting the second year of CBM master program, and kicking off with 14 new CBM students and 16 new VKM students. We have already been introduced to an astonishing range of talent and skills - and we'll hear more about each student when Thu 26th and Fri 27th people will be showing a sample of their portfolios in the afternoons in Ateljee.

Next week we'll also do a walk in Creative Pori Tue 31th, stream on the opening festivities of Aalto in Helsinki Wed 1th, see and hear about last year's projects on the department demoday Rajauksia 2.9. 13 onwards; and take a bus to visit School of Art and Design in Helsinki early in the morning of Friday 3th.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Wozzeck - visualized and realized!

MA students from Creative Business Management and Visual Culture produced brilliant 80 minute long artistic animated media, that followed the themes and motifs of tragic story of Wozzeck. The audience in three concerts was excited. The whole project was carried out with the collaboration of the symphony orchestra and other cultural and educational organizations in the region.

Students' interview in UCPori-news

One of the students designed pastries for the theme by Sarpi bakery:

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Wozzek - Alban Berg and Pori Sinfonietta, visualization by Pori art and media students

Wozzeck is the first opera by the Austrian composer Alban Berg. It was composed between 1914 and 1922 and first performed in 1925. Though its musical style is challenging, the quality of Berg's work (in particular, the characterization of the situation through clearly defined musical techniques) amply repays repeated listenings. 

Pori Sinfonietta - the symphony orchestra of City of Pori and department of Art and Media of Aalto University proudly presents visualized concert at 15th and 16th of April in Pori, Finland - Promenadi hall. It will be a unique experience! 

Friday, 19 February 2010

Application to CBM closes 26.2!

This year's application time is about to close! Prepare you application now and send it to the Hakutoimisto at Taik, Helsinki by 26.2.2010

For CBM you'll need you CV including all the relevant degrees and studies you have done; a portfolio that will show us what you have done and can do; and a plan for the studies that will show us you are motivated and have an idea what you want to study and why. Check the instructions on Taik web-page, and read them carefully!

CBM courses Spring 2010

This Spring we the Media Management studies started with a course on Feminist Media Studies. Students are preparing their works for the course, the program you can find from the link, also on the left-hand side under studyblogs.

Now we'll be headed to "The City in Media - the Media in the City", a course under Medianarration. We'll be talking about the city, what it is - how is it narrated. We'll look at films and documentaries about cities and analyze them, and draft at least a plan for making a documentary about Kuukkari, the 6th quarter in Pori. We'll also look at the hybrid urban space filled with ubiquitous media, and study wormholes... studyblog under the link, also on the left-hand side under studyblogs.

And then there will be a course on History of Mass- and Multi-media, see the ning. And we have started to work on the Final thesis, slowly but surely, and will have two sessions at end of April where people present papers on their ideas and discuss them. (For this we have a group in the Taik intra, Onni.)

Creative Projects are under way, as the previous blog-entry tells. A lecture on Management and Creativity by Tukkk is the last piece of integrating CBM-studies for this Spring semester.

Creative Projects under way

An important course in CBM is "Creative Projects". This means projects where teams with students from both universities and thus with different expertise work together over a real commissions or other creative enterprises. This year under way is e.g. a high-quality magazine about Pori for a local advertising agency Punda and concepts for making use of social media for the Symphony Orchestra of the city of Lahti.

The project by Mailis Saralehto-Rekola and Jenna Kämäräinen is well under way. Mailis and Jenna have scripted, styled, shoot and are compiling a video-art project on beauty and fashion, "Podium - Deconstructing the catwalk." The local newspaper had an article about the shooting, done in the Generator Gallery - a pretty dismal place for beauty, but very effective for the deconstruction. The video is planned to appear as a teaser at Supermarket Art Fair of the Kulturhuset in Stockholm, and the whole work can be seen at least at Galleria Uusi Kipinä, Lahti, Galleria Napa, Rovaniemi See the teaser here!